Upper Lonsdale, North Vancouver
MLS® Listings
Listing information last updated on March 18, 2025 a 12:25 PM.
There are no suites for sale in 3201-3263 Lonsdale Avenue. 3201-3263 Lonsdale Avenue, Upper Lonsdale, North Vancouver. Set an alert to be the first to know when listings hit the market!
Recent Sales
There has been 1 home reported sold in 3201-3263 Lonsdale Avenue [3201-3263 Lonsdale Avenue] in the last two years.
Building Details
What is the address for 3201-3263 Lonsdale Avenue?
3201-3263 Lonsdale Avenue is located at 3201-3263 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver.
What neighbourhood is 3201-3263 Lonsdale Avenue in?
3201-3263 Lonsdale Avenue is in Upper Lonsdale.
What year was 3201-3263 Lonsdale Avenue built?
3201-3263 Lonsdale Avenue was built in 1978.
How many units are in the development?
There are 12 homes in 3201-3263 Lonsdale Avenue.
What type of homes are available at 3201-3263 Lonsdale Avenue?
3201-3263 Lonsdale Avenue consists of Townhomes.
How often do homes in 3201-3263 Lonsdale Avenue sell?
The most recent sale in 3201-3263 Lonsdale Avenue was Sept. 16, 2024. In the last 12 months, 1 homes have sold, with 1 sales in the last 24 months.
How often is this page updated?
The MLS® real estate listings in 3201-3263 Lonsdale Avenue are updated every 5 minutes, so you can see new listings as soon as they come on the market and sales the day they are reported. The last update to these 3201-3263 Lonsdale Avenue MLS® real estate listings and sales occurred at March 18, 2025 at 12:25 PM.
Disclaimer: All information displayed is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed and should not be relied upon without independent verification.