Lower Lonsdale, North Vancouver
MLS® Listings
Listing information last updated on March 18, 2025 a 12:25 PM.
There are no suites for sale in Aberdeen Block. 88 Lonsdale Avenue, Lower Lonsdale, North Vancouver. Set an alert to be the first to know when listings hit the market!
Recent Sales
There have been 2 homes reported sold in Aberdeen Block [88 Lonsdale Avenue] in the last two years.
Building Details
Do you like lofts? Then this is your building on the North Shore!
Not all suites are lofts though, some were designed as more traditional single level condos.
The Aberdeen is a 1910 Edwardian building that was rebuilt and converted to a live/work space in 2004/2005.
From the picture above, the building on the left is the original Bank of Hamilton, with the Aberdeen Block on the right. Both were designed by Mills and Hutton. This block made up much of the original commercial district of North Vancouver. The Aberdeen Block has been home to the Post Office, North Vancouver City Hall, the BC Electric Railway Company, and from 1911 till 1998 Paine's Hardware. In 1998 the building was destroyed by a fire, leaving just the South and West facades which are now protected heritage sites.
Want to live in the Aberdeen Block? Suites for sale in the Aberdeen Block usually don't stay on the market long. Set a listing alert to be notified of new listings the day they hit the market (up to 48 hours before they reach Realtor.ca).
- Address: 88 Lonsdale Avenue
- City: North Vancouver
- Neighbourhood: Lower Lonsdale
- Year built: 2004
- Strata Number: BCS1308
- Construction: Concrete
- Units in development: 19
- Storeys: 5
- Unit Types: Lofts, Condos
- Bylaw Restrictions:
- Pets allowed with restrictions (one dog or one cat)
- Live/Work restrictions (see bylaws)
- Address: 420 East 8th Street
- Phone: 604-903-3740
- Fax: 604-903-3741
- Grade 7 Enrollment: None
- Fraser Institute Report Card: View Online
- School Website: Visit Website
- Address: 1860 Sutherland Avenue
- Phone: 604-903-3500
- Fax: 604-903-3501
- Grade 12 Enrollment: None
- Fraser Institute Report Card: View Online
- School Website: Visit Website
Disclaimer: Catchments and school information compiled from the School District and the Fraser Institute. School catchments, although deemed to be accurate, are not guaranteed and should be verified.
What is the address for Aberdeen Block?
Aberdeen Block is located at 88 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver.
What neighbourhood is Aberdeen Block in?
Aberdeen Block is in Lower Lonsdale.
What year was Aberdeen Block built?
Aberdeen Block was built in 2004.
How many units are in the development?
There are 19 homes in Aberdeen Block.
What type of homes are available at Aberdeen Block?
Aberdeen Block consists of Lofts, Condos.
How often do homes in Aberdeen Block sell?
The most recent sale in Aberdeen Block was Oct. 16, 2024. In the last 12 months, 1 homes have sold, with 2 sales in the last 24 months.
How often is this page updated?
The MLS® real estate listings in Aberdeen Block are updated every 5 minutes, so you can see new listings as soon as they come on the market and sales the day they are reported. The last update to these Aberdeen Block MLS® real estate listings and sales occurred at March 18, 2025 at 12:25 PM.
Disclaimer: All information displayed is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed and should not be relied upon without independent verification.