Lions Gate Village, North Vancouver
MLS® Listings
Listing information last updated on March 12, 2025 a 01:35 AM.
There are 2 homes for sale in Mason by Cressey. 2070 Curling Road, Lions Gate Village, North Vancouver.
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- Bed:
- 4
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 1,866 sq/ft
- Type:
- Townhome

- Bed:
- 4
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 1,866 sq/ft
- Type:
- Townhome
Recent Sales
There have been 6 homes reported sold in Mason by Cressey [2070 Curling Road] in the last two years.
Building Details
{Update Sept 2021} The Mason by Cressey is now sold out! Follow along here for resale listings and sales.
Mason by Cressey | Move-in Spring 2021!
Introducing Mason by Cressey Developments; a collection of 40 3+ bedroom European inspired family rowhomes in the heart of Lions Gate Village
For more information on Mason by Cressey including floorplans, pricing, and purchase availability as announced, or for independent, early access to previews and sales - contact us at the form on this page. We would love to assist you and keep you up-to-date!
Our relationships with developers means we're able to assist our clients with early access to previews and sales, prior to public release. The result; the best selection of homes at the best prices for you. Looking for independent representation and help making an informed decision - at no additional cost? Reach out to us today by calling Matt Council - Presales Specialist - at 604-317-4464, or by filling out the form on this page.
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- Address: 2070 Curling Road
- City: North Vancouver
- Neighbourhood: Lions Gate Village
- Developer: Cressey
- Year built: 2021
- Title to land: Freehold Strata
- Strata Number: EPP63412
- Construction: Wood frame
- Units in development: 40
- Unit Types: Rowhomes
- Bylaw Restrictions:
- Pets allowed with restrictions (two (2) dogs or two (2) cats OR one (1) dog and (1) cat - no vicious dogs - see bylaws)
- Rentals - no short-term accommodation
- Occupant restrictions (The maximum number of persons allowed to reside in any given unit is as follows: 3-bedroom units 6 people | 4-bedroom units or larger 8 people
- Smoking restrictions (see bylaws)
- Features:
- European design inspired brick cladded rowhomes
- Every home offers 3 spacious bedrooms and nursery or office space.
- Large basement family/media room and storage with direct private access to the parkade (in select homes)
- Vaulted master suites (in select homes)
- Solid core wood doors throughout
- Engineered hardwood flooring in main living areas
- Heat pump heating and air conditioning
- Spacious landscaped patios with gas BBQ hook up
What is the address for Mason by Cressey?
Mason by Cressey is located at 2070 Curling Road, North Vancouver.
What neighbourhood is Mason by Cressey in?
Mason by Cressey is in Lions Gate Village.
Who was the developer of Mason by Cressey?
Mason by Cressey was built by Cressey.
What year was Mason by Cressey built?
Mason by Cressey was built in 2021.
How many units are in the development?
There are 40 homes in Mason by Cressey.
What type of homes are available at Mason by Cressey?
Mason by Cressey consists of Rowhomes.
How often do homes in Mason by Cressey sell?
The most recent sale in Mason by Cressey was June 26, 2024. In the last 12 months, 4 homes have sold, with 6 sales in the last 24 months.
How often is this page updated?
The MLS® real estate listings in Mason by Cressey are updated every 5 minutes, so you can see new listings as soon as they come on the market and sales the day they are reported. The last update to these Mason by Cressey MLS® real estate listings and sales occurred at March 12, 2025 at 01:35 AM.
Disclaimer: All information displayed is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed and should not be relied upon without independent verification.