Northlands, North Vancouver
MLS® Listings
Listing information last updated on March 18, 2025 a 12:25 PM.
There are no suites for sale in Parkgate. 3508 Mt Seymour Parkway, Northlands, North Vancouver. Set an alert to be the first to know when listings hit the market!
Recent Sales
There have been 3 homes reported sold in Parkgate [3508 Mt Seymour Parkway] in the last two years.
Building Details
- Address: 3508 Mt Seymour Parkway
- City: North Vancouver
- Neighbourhood: Northlands
- Developer: Texor Homes
- Year built: 2015
- Title to land: Freehold Strata
- Strata Number: EPS2828
- Construction: Wood frame
- Units in development: 16
- Storeys: 3
- Unit Types: Townhomes
- Parking Type: garage underbuilding
- Bylaw Restrictions:
- Pets allowed with restrictions (one dog or one cat)
- Rentals (3 month minimum)
- Features:
- Mitsubishi ductless Mr Slim heat pump provides quiet eco-friendly air conditioning and heating for complete year-round home comfort and energy savings
- Interior design by award winning Insight Design
- Dramatic 9′ ceilings and open space create a vibrant everyday living and dining experience
- Energy Star Whirlpool Duet® full size front loading washer/dryer
- Smart-wired for telephone and cable. Telus fibre optic and Shaw services available.
- Double-paned insulated energy efficient windows
- 6″ insulated walls for energy savings
- Acoustical window and construction details promote quiet living spaces
- Adjustable horizontal 1″ window blinds for privacy and shade control
- Address: 4000 Inlet Crescent
- Phone: 604-903-3430
- Fax: 604-903-3431
- Grade 7 Enrollment: None
- Fraser Institute Report Card: View Online
- School Website: Visit Website
- Address: 1204 Caledonia Avenue
- Phone: 604-903-3666
- Fax: 604-903-3667
- Grade 12 Enrollment: None
- Fraser Institute Report Card: View Online
- School Website: Visit Website
Disclaimer: Catchments and school information compiled from the School District and the Fraser Institute. School catchments, although deemed to be accurate, are not guaranteed and should be verified.
What is the address for Parkgate?
Parkgate is located at 3508 Mt Seymour Parkway, North Vancouver.
What neighbourhood is Parkgate in?
Parkgate is in Northlands.
Who was the developer of Parkgate?
Parkgate was built by Texor Homes.
What year was Parkgate built?
Parkgate was built in 2015.
How many units are in the development?
There are 16 homes in Parkgate.
What type of homes are available at Parkgate?
Parkgate consists of Townhomes.
How often do homes in Parkgate sell?
The most recent sale in Parkgate was Feb. 6, 2025. In the last 12 months, 3 homes have sold, with 3 sales in the last 24 months.
How often is this page updated?
The MLS® real estate listings in Parkgate are updated every 5 minutes, so you can see new listings as soon as they come on the market and sales the day they are reported. The last update to these Parkgate MLS® real estate listings and sales occurred at March 18, 2025 at 12:25 PM.
Disclaimer: All information displayed is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed and should not be relied upon without independent verification.