Lower Lonsdale Real Estate Listings & Homes For Sale
There are 149 homes for sale in Lower Lonsdale, North Vancouver. | Search Recent Sales
Listing information last updated on March 18, 2025 at 12:25 PM.

- Bed:
- 3
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 1,206 sq/ft
- Type:
- Condo

- Bed:
- 2
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 1,171 sq/ft
- Type:
- Condo

- Bed:
- 2 + den
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 1,159 sq/ft
- Type:
- Condo

- Bed:
- 2
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 1,024 sq/ft
- Type:
- Condo

- Bed:
- 3
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 1,482 sq/ft
- Type:
- Condo

- Bed:
- 4
- Bath:
- 5
- Interior:
- 2,610 sq/ft
- Type:
- Duplex

- Bed:
- 2
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 1,071 sq/ft
- Type:
- Condo

- Bed:
- 6
- Bath:
- 4
- Interior:
- 3,111 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 2 + den
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 941 sq/ft
- Type:
- Condo

- Bed:
- 2
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 1,153 sq/ft
- Type:
- Condo

- Bed:
- 3 + den
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 1,560 sq/ft
- Type:
- Townhome

- Bed:
- 3
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 1,856 sq/ft
- Type:
- Duplex

- Bed:
- 2
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 1,036 sq/ft
- Type:
- Condo

- Bed:
- 2
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 868 sq/ft
- Type:
- Condo

- Bed:
- 2
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 825 sq/ft
- Type:
- Condo

- Bed:
- 2
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 1,217 sq/ft
- Type:
- Condo

- Bed:
- 2 + den
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 1,106 sq/ft
- Type:
- Townhome

- Bed:
- 3
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 1,743 sq/ft
- Type:
- Townhome

- Bed:
- 6
- Bath:
- 4
- Interior:
- 3,552 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 2
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 1,025 sq/ft
- Type:
- Condo

- Bed:
- 3
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 2,328 sq/ft
- Type:
- Condo

- Bed:
- 2
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 860 sq/ft
- Type:
- Condo

- Bed:
- 3
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 1,484 sq/ft
- Type:
- Condo

- Bed:
- 2 + den
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 1,166 sq/ft
- Type:
- Condo

- Bed:
- 5
- Bath:
- 4
- Interior:
- 2,409 sq/ft
- Type:
- Duplex

- Bed:
- 5
- Bath:
- 4
- Interior:
- 2,473 sq/ft
- Type:
- Duplex

- Bed:
- 3
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 1,450 sq/ft
- Type:
- Townhome

- Bed:
- 3
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 1,517 sq/ft
- Type:
- Duplex

- Bed:
- 1 + den
- Bath:
- 1
- Interior:
- 744 sq/ft
- Type:
- Condo

- Bed:
- 2
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 1,213 sq/ft
- Type:
- Condo

- Bed:
- 3
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 1,137 sq/ft
- Type:
- Townhome

- Bed:
- 3 + den
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 1,757 sq/ft
- Type:
- Townhome

- Bed:
- 1
- Bath:
- 1
- Interior:
- 726 sq/ft
- Type:
- Condo

- Bed:
- 3
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 1,458 sq/ft
- Type:
- Townhome

- Bed:
- 2 + den
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 935 sq/ft
- Type:
- Condo

- Bed:
- 3
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 1,655 sq/ft
- Type:
- Condo

- Bed:
- 2 + den
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 1,144 sq/ft
- Type:
- Condo

- Bed:
- 2
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 956 sq/ft
- Type:
- Condo

- Bath:
- 1
- Interior:
- 405 sq/ft
- Type:
- Condo

- Bed:
- 4
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 1,754 sq/ft
- Type:
- Townhome
How many homes are for sale in Lower Lonsdale, North Vancouver?
There are 149 homes for sale in Lower Lonsdale, North Vancouver including 9 houses, 96 condos, 38 townhomes, 7 duplex listings, and 1 lot listings. You can refine the results for Lower Lonsdale, North Vancouver MLS® real estate listings by using our filters. Filter by list price, neighbourhood, type, (e.g., houses, condos, townhomes, duplexes or land for sale), price, beds, baths, square footage, or age. Registered users can search for homes with dens, a secondary suite, A/C, in-suite laundry, pets allowed, rentals allowed, and number of covered parking spaces. Plus, set a search alert so you never miss out on new MLS® real estate listings the day they are listed.
How much do homes in Lower Lonsdale, North Vancouver cost?
The median price of a home for sale on the MLS® in Lower Lonsdale, North Vancouver is $1.26M. The lowest priced home for sale in Lower Lonsdale, North Vancouver is listed for $399K, while the most expensive home for sale is listed for $5.9M.
What are the average days on market for a home in Lower Lonsdale, North Vancouver?
The average days on market for the homes currently listed for sale in Lower Lonsdale, North Vancouver is 30 days.
What is the typical size of a home for sale in Lower Lonsdale, North Vancouver
Of the homes for sale on the MLS® in Lower Lonsdale, North Vancouver, the average size is 1,100.0 sq/ft. The average number of bedrooms is 2 bedrooms and the average number of bathrooms is 2 bathrooms.
How many homes sold in Lower Lonsdale, North Vancouver in the last 30 days?
In Lower Lonsdale, North Vancouver there have been 22 homes reported sold in the last 30 days, with an average sale price of $797K. Search our database of North Vancouver real estate sales here.
How often is this search updated?
Most of our MLS® real estate listings in Lower Lonsdale, North Vancouver are updated every 5 minutes so you can see new homes as soon as they come on the market. The last update to these North Vancouver MLS® real estate listings occurred at March 18, 2025 at 12:25 PM.
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