North Vancouver Houses For Sale
There are 239 houses for sale in North Vancouver. | Search Recent Sales
Listing information last updated on March 18, 2025 at 12:25 PM.

- Bed:
- 5
- Bath:
- 4
- Interior:
- 2,879 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 3
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 2,928 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 3
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 2,669 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 3
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 1,748 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 4
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 2,290 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 5
- Bath:
- 4
- Interior:
- 3,018 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 5
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 2,963 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 6
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 2,524 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 5
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 2,207 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 4
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 1,816 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 5
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 2,226 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 7
- Bath:
- 7
- Interior:
- 4,019 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 5
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 2,664 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 7
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 2,700 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 4
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 2,553 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 6
- Bath:
- 6
- Interior:
- 4,532 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 5
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 3,164 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 4
- Bath:
- 5
- Interior:
- 3,507 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 5
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 2,761 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 3
- Bath:
- 1
- Interior:
- 1,384 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 6
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 2,523 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 5
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 3,226 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 5
- Bath:
- 5
- Interior:
- 3,077 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 5
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 2,519 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 5
- Bath:
- 4
- Interior:
- 3,500 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 4
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 3,496 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 6
- Bath:
- 5
- Interior:
- 3,600 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 4
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 2,314 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 5
- Bath:
- 4
- Interior:
- 2,810 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 4
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 3,338 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 6
- Bath:
- 7
- Interior:
- 4,169 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 4
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 2,571 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 3
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 2,618 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 5 + den
- Bath:
- 4
- Interior:
- 2,415 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 5
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 2,457 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 4
- Bath:
- 4
- Interior:
- 4,135 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 3
- Bath:
- 1
- Interior:
- 1,472 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 3
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 2,451 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 3
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 6,723 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 4
- Bath:
- 4
- Interior:
- 2,466 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 8 + den
- Bath:
- 6
- Interior:
- 5,052 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 6
- Bath:
- 4
- Interior:
- 3,111 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 4
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 2,255 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 4
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 1,924 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 8
- Bath:
- 8
- Interior:
- 5,553 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 3
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 1,782 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 5
- Bath:
- 2
- Interior:
- 2,044 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 4
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 2,987 sq/ft
- Type:
- House

- Bed:
- 3
- Bath:
- 3
- Interior:
- 2,080 sq/ft
- Type:
- House
How many houses are for sale in North Vancouver?
There are 239 houses for sale in North Vancouver. You can refine the results for North Vancouver MLS® real estate listings by using our filters. Filter by list price, neighbourhood, type, (e.g., houses, condos, townhomes, duplexes or land for sale), price, beds, baths, square footage, or age. Registered users can search for homes with dens, a secondary suite, A/C, in-suite laundry, pets allowed, rentals allowed, and number of covered parking spaces. Plus, set a search alert so you never miss out on new MLS® real estate listings the day they are listed.
How much do houses in North Vancouver cost?
The median price of a house for sale on the MLS® in North Vancouver is $2.4M. The lowest priced house for sale in North Vancouver is listed for $349K, while the most expensive home for sale is listed for $14.8M.
What are the average days on market for a house in North Vancouver?
The average days on market for the houses currently listed for sale in North Vancouver is 33 days.
What is the typical size of a house for sale in North Vancouver
Of the houses for sale on the MLS® in North Vancouver, the average size is 2,697.5 sq/ft. The average number of bedrooms is 4 bedrooms and the average number of bathrooms is 4 bathrooms.
How many houses sold in North Vancouver in the last 30 days?
In North Vancouver there have been 59 houses reported sold in the last 30 days, with an average sale price of $2.3M. Search our database of North Vancouver real estate sales here.
How often is this search updated?
Most of our MLS® real estate listings in North Vancouver are updated every 5 minutes so you can see new homes as soon as they come on the market. The last update to these North Vancouver MLS® real estate listings occurred at March 18, 2025 at 12:25 PM.
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