What's an Agent's Open?

Sept. 21, 2017 | FAQS | By Aaron Rossetti

Buying and Selling FAQS //

Have you heard a Realtor use the term 'Agent's Open?' Wondering what it is?

It's an open house held during the week to facilitate Realtors previewing a listing. Opens are typically held in the morning between 10am and 12 noon, while the day of the week depends on a listing's location

In North Vancouver, Agent's Opens are as follows:
Tuesday mornings - West of Lonsdale
Wednesday Mornings - East of Lonsdale to Seymour River
Thursday Morning - East of Seymour River to Deep Cove

Not an Agent but still want to check the listing out? The public is always welcome! If you see a sign or the open posted online feel free to use it as an opportunity to take a look.

Questions? Contact us.